
Много видал я извращений с макросами, но такого ...

Cello is a GNU99 C library which brings higher level programming to C.

Interfaces allow for structured design;
Duck Typing allows for generic functions;
Exceptions control error handling;
Constructors/Destructors aid memory management;

Ссылки на примеры:
Пример программы:

#include "Cello.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  /* Tables require "Eq" and "Hash" on key type */
  var prices = new(Table, String, Int);
  put(prices, $(String, "Apple"),  $(Int, 12)); 
  put(prices, $(String, "Banana"), $(Int,  6)); 
  put(prices, $(String, "Pear"),   $(Int, 55));

  /* Tables also supports iteration */
  foreach (key in prices) {
    var price = get(prices, key);
    print("Price of %$ is %$\n", key, price);

  /* "with" automatically closes file at end of scope. */
  with (file in open($(File, NULL), "prices.bin", "wb"))) {

    /* First class function object */
    lambda(write_pair, args) {

      /* Run time type-checking with "cast" */
      var key = cast(at(args, 0), String);
      var val = cast(get(prices, key), Int);

      try {
        print_to(file, 0, "%$ :: %$\n", key, val);
      } catch (e in IOError) {
        println("Could not write to file - got %$", e)

      return None;

    /* Higher order functions */
    map(prices, write_pair);


На что только люди не пойдут, чтоб на С++ не писать.